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(seit Aufnahme; bei SHOPVOTE)
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Unternehmensdaten | 24.537 Profilaufrufe
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Weingraben 3
85368 Moosburg

aus 409 Bewertungen
bei 2 Bewertungsquellen
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Antwort von oldskulleurope.com am 01.04.2022 :
Hi! Thank you for leaving us a review and for giving us your honest feedback. We are always looking for an opportunity to improve our products and service and your feedback is highly appreciated. We apologize that our sizes had not met your expectations. Generally we rarely have any issues in terms of our sizing? As you can see in our return policies and FAQ's as a small company we are not yet able to offer free return all over Europe. However, we will pass this along to our appropriate team for review. We want to make this right for you, we have sent you an email regarding the issues you have encountered. Please respond so we may provide a resolution for you. Have a wonderful day!