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Webcraft AG
Weiherallee 11a
8610 Uster
![Shopsiegel GOLD](https://img.shopvote.de/profile-seal-160-gold.png)
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Antwort von cubeless.ch am 28.01.2021 :
The phenomenon you are talking about is the so-called "popping (out)", which basically means that single cubicles come off. This is most often due to loose tension of the screws that hold the cube together or to (too) rough handling. In the middle of one of the faces of the CL-10 there is a screw that can be tightened or loosened to affect the smoothness with which the layers can be turned. As long as no piece has broken off the cube, the cubicle that popped out can be reattached. Please also note though that we offer the same size with anti-popping mechanisms: https://www.cubeless.ch/eng/7x7-speedcubes/moyu-aofu-gts-7x7_CL-14 Please let us know if the parts came off because of the popping phenomenon or if parts actually have broken off. In the latter case we will of course refund or send a replacement.
Antwort von cubeless.ch am 10.12.2020 :
Wir bedauern, dass ein Produkt mit schlechter Qualität unser Haus verlassen hat. Unser Kundendienst setzt sich mit dir gerne direkt in Verbindung.